柯家胤, 1634–?>
- Name
- /柯/家胤
- Given names
- 家胤
- Nickname
- 字尔爵
- Surname
- 柯
father | |
mother | |
Marriage | Marriage — — |
himself | |
21 years
younger brother |
brother | |
younger brother | |
brother | |
brother |
himself | |
wife | |
Marriage | Marriage — — |
himself | |
wife | |
Marriage | Marriage — — |
son | |
son | |
son | |
son |
Note: 家胤公生于明朝崇祯甲戌年即崇祯七年(1634)八月初一子时。 |
Birth of a brother
Note: 清朝顺治三年丙戌年(1646)腊月初四日子时。 |
Birth of a brother
Note: 家壁生于清朝顺治十二年乙未年(1655)六月初四日子时。 |
Birth of a son
Note: 祥荣公生于顺治戊戍年四月廿八日酉时 |
Death of a father
Note: 公殁于康熙17年戊午年(1678)正月初八日申时。 |
Birth of a grandson
Note: 瑞乾公生于清朝康熙己巳年正月十三日午时 |
Burial of a father
Note: 公葬于走马岭与母同坟寅山申向,妣葬于学屋背后子山午向。 |
Death of a mother
Note: 公葬于屋下手南向, 妣葬中策尾南向。 |
Descendants of 柯家胤
Generation 1
柯家胤, son of 柯启旺 and … 胡氏, was born on August 1, 1634.
Children of 柯家胤 and … 陈氏:
- 柯祥发 - follow 2.1
- 柯祥荣 (1658–) - follow 2.2
- 柯祥瑞 - follow 2.3
- 柯祥福 - follow 2.4
Generation 2 back to top
柯祥发, son of 柯家胤 and … 陈氏. He was buried in 桐子抝.
Children of 柯祥瑞 and … 吴氏:
- 柯瑞乾 (1689–) - follow 3.1
- 柯瑞元
- 柯瑞亨 - follow 3.2
- 柯瑞利 - follow 3.3
- 柯瑞贞
柯祥福, son of 柯家胤 and … 陈氏.
Generation 3 back to top
Ancestors of 柯家胤
Generation 1
柯家胤, son of 柯启旺 and … 胡氏, was born on August 1, 1634.
Generation 2 back to top