
Given names
Family with parents
Marriage Marriage
Family with
Marriage Marriage
Birth: 后坪
Death: 1959后坪
Birth: 后坪
Death: 后坪
Birth: 后坪
Death: 后坪
Birth: April 21, 1908 后坪孙基湾
Death: August 28, 1984后坪孙基湾
Birth of a son
Address: 重庆(原四川)云阳县新津乡太胜四组后坪
Birth of a son
Address: 重庆市(原四川省)云阳县南岸石棹子后坪孙基湾
Birth of a grandson
Address: 重庆市云阳县新津乡太胜村四组后坪
Death of a son
Address: 重庆(原四川)云阳县新津乡太胜四组后坪
Death of a father
Death of a mother
Birth of a son
Birth of a son
Birth of a son

Descendants of 洪恩

  1. Generation 1
    1. 洪恩, son of 大荣 and , was born in 后坪 and died in 后坪.

      He married .

      Children of 洪恩 and :

      1. 昌培 (19001959) - follow 2.1
      2. 昌值 - follow 2.2
      3. 昌根 - follow 2.3
      4. 昌本 (19081984) - follow 2.4
  2. Generation 2 back to top
    1. 重庆云阳石桌子柯昌培墓碑照片

      昌培, son of 洪恩 and , was born in 后坪 and died in 1959 in 后坪.

      He married 共惠.

      Children of 昌培 and 共惠:

      1. Private
      2. Private
      3. Private
      4. 尊位 (19362020) - follow 3.4
      5. Private
    2. 昌值, son of 洪恩 and , was born in 后坪 and died in 后坪.

    3. 昌根, son of 洪恩 and , was born in 后坪 and died in 后坪.

    4. 云阳石棹子柯昌本墓碑照片

      昌本, son of 洪恩 and , was born on April 21, 1908 in 后坪孙基湾 and died on August 28, 1984 in 后坪孙基湾 at the age of 76 years.

      He married 淑安.

      Children of 昌本 and 淑安:

      1. 兴祥 - follow 3.6
      2. Private
      3. Private
      4. Private
      5. Private
  3. Generation 3 back to top
    1. 柯尊位照片

      尊位, son of 昌培 and 共惠, was born on November 24, 1936 in 后坪 and died on February 17, 2020 in 湖北省荆州市荆州区纪南镇雷湖村七组 at the age of 83 years.

      He married 大珍.

      尊位 and 大珍 had 5 children.

    2. The details of this family are private.
    3. 兴祥, son of 昌本 and 淑安, was born in 后坪 and died in 后坪.

      He married 尚平.

      兴祥 and 尚平 had 3 children.


    4. The details of this family are private.
    5. The details of this family are private.

Ancestors of 洪恩

  1. Generation 1
    1. 洪恩, son of 大荣 and , was born in 后坪 and died in 后坪.

  2. Generation 2 back to top
    1. 大荣, son of 清益 and Private, was born in 后坪 and died in 后坪.

  3. Generation 3 back to top
    1. 清益, son of Private and Private, was born in 四川省奉节县高雅乡长林湾 and died in 四川省奉节县高雅乡长林湾.

    2. The details of this family are private.