
Given names
Birth of a son

Descendants of 大俭

  1. Generation 1
    1. 大俭, son of 成益 and Private, was born in 后坪 and died in 后坪.

      Children of 大俭:

      1. 洪富 - follow 2.1
  2. Generation 2 back to top
    1. 洪富, son of 大俭 and Private, was born in 后坪 and died in 后坪.

  3. Generation 3 back to top
    1. 昌文, son of 洪富 and Private, was born in 后坪 and died in 后坪.

      He married 朝玉.

      昌文 and 朝玉 had 4 children.

    2. 云阳石棹子柯昌武墓碑照片

      昌武, 杀羊卖, son of 洪富 and Private, was born in 后坪 and died in 后坪.

      昌武 had 4 children.

    3. 昌成, son of 洪富 and Private, was born in 后坪 and died in 后坪.

Ancestors of 大俭

  1. Generation 1
    1. 大俭, son of 成益 and Private, was born in 后坪 and died in 后坪.

  2. Generation 2 back to top
    1. 成益, son of 进国 and , was born in 后坪 and died in 后坪.

    2. The details of this family are private.
  3. Generation 3 back to top
    1. 云阳石棹子柯进国墓碑照片1

      进国, son of 道才, was born in 1786 and was buried in 石槕子后坪竹林.