
Birth of a son
Note: 兴济公生于明朝正统戊子年(1408年存疑待考),八月初四卯时。

Descendants of 冯氏

  1. Generation 1
    1. She married 永华, son of 伯原 and 王氏四娘.

      Children of 冯氏 and 永华:

      1. 兴济 (1408) - follow 2.1
      2. Private
      3. Private
      4. Private
      5. 兴茂 - follow 2.5
      6. Private
  2. Generation 2 back to top
    1. 兴济, son of 永华 and 冯氏, was born on August 4, 1408.

      He married 刘氏.

      Children of 兴济 and 刘氏:

      1. 本諌
      2. 本梭
      3. 本楼
    2. The details of this family are private.
    3. The details of this family are private.
    4. The details of this family are private.
    5. 兴茂, son of 永华 and 冯氏. He was buried in 双甽口.

      兴茂 had 3 children.

    6. The details of this family are private.
  3. Generation 3 back to top
    1. 本松, son of 兴道 and 曾氏. He was buried in 双甽口.

      本松 had 3 children.

    2. The details of this family are private.
    3. The details of this family are private.
    4. The details of this family are private.
    5. 本珍, son of 兴台 and 尊氏.

      本珍 had 1 child.

Ancestors of 冯氏

  1. Generation 1