
Given names
Birth of a grandson
Death of a grandson

Descendants of 益祥

  1. Generation 1
    1. 益祥, son of 进春 and 王氏.

      He married 范氏.

      Children of 益祥 and 范氏:

      1. 大魁 - follow 2.1
      2. Private
      3. Private
      4. Private
  2. Generation 2 back to top
    1. 大魁, son of 益祥 and 范氏.

      Children of 大魁:

      1. 愈发 (19141992) - follow 3.1
  3. Generation 3 back to top
    1. 愈发, 木匠, son of 大魁, was born on November 11, 1914 in 郧西县城关镇红庙村 and died on May 26, 1992 in 郧西县城关镇红庙村 at the age of 77 years.

      He married 清英.

      愈发 and 清英 had 4 children.

Ancestors of 益祥

  1. Generation 1
    1. 益祥, son of 进春 and 王氏.

  2. Generation 2 back to top
    1. 进春, son of 道富 and 郑氏.

    2. The details of this family are private.
  3. Generation 3 back to top
    1. 道富, son of 隆义 and 张氏, was born on January 2, 1793.

    2. 郑氏 was born on August 11, 1801.