郑氏, 1801

Note: 郑氏生于嘉庆辛酉年八月十一日丑时
Birth of a grandson
1856未时 (aged 54 years)
Note: 未时生

Descendants of 郑氏

  1. Generation 1
    1. 郑氏 was born on August 11, 1801.

      She married 道富, son of 隆义 and 张氏,. He was born on January 2, 1793.

  2. Generation 2 back to top
    1. 进泰, son of 道富 and 郑氏.

      Children of 进泰:

      1. Private
      2. 益禄 - follow 3.2
      3. Private
      4. Private
    2. 进辉, son of 道富 and 郑氏.

      He married 刘氏.

      Children of 进辉 and 刘氏:

      1. Private
      2. 益坤 (1856) - follow 3.6
      3. Private
      4. Private
    3. 进春, son of 道富 and 郑氏.

      Children of 进春:

      1. Private
      2. 益祥 - follow 3.10
      3. Private
      4. Private
    4. 进源, son of 道富 and 郑氏.

      进源 had 2 children.

    5. 进斌, son of 道富 and 郑氏.

      进斌 had 4 children.

  3. Generation 3 back to top
    1. The details of this family are private.
    2. 益禄, son of 进泰 and 王氏.

      He married 李氏.

      Children of 益禄 and 李氏:

      1. 大才 - follow 4.1
      2. 大友(有) - follow 4.2

      益禄 had 3 children.

    3. The details of this family are private.
    4. 益坤, son of 进辉 and 刘氏, was born in 1856.

      Children of 益坤:

      1. 大旺 - follow 4.3
      2. 大兴 - follow 4.4
    5. The details of this family are private.
    6. The details of this family are private.
    7. 益祥, son of 进春 and 王氏.

      He married 范氏.

      Children of 益祥 and 范氏:

      1. 大魁 - follow 4.5
      2. Private
      3. Private
      4. Private
    8. The details of this family are private.

Ancestors of 郑氏

  1. Generation 1
    1. 郑氏 was born on August 11, 1801.