
Given names
Family with 伯原
Birth: 1363
Research task: 伯原公后人待考证,请与柯愈华宗亲联系:13872820583May 13, 2019
Death: 1437
Marriage Marriage
Birth: April 20, 1396
Burial: 江西省九江市瑞昌县西上乡黄塘
Birth of a son
Note: 柯永宝生于明朝洪武二十九年丙子年(1396)四月二十日卯时。
Birth of a grandson
Note: 兴济公生于明朝正统戊子年(1408年存疑待考),八月初四卯时。
Birth of a grandson
Note: 兴常公生于明朝正统元年(1436年)丙辰年酉时(出生年份准确性需进一步考证,存疑),取方氏本里方尚元之女。
Death of a husband
Note: 公殁于明朝正统丙辰年享年七十有四
Birth of a grandson
Note: 公生于明正统乙丑年十月二十八日

Descendants of 王氏四娘

  1. Generation 1
    1. She married 伯原, son of 南舜 and 刘氏十三娘,. He was born in 1363 and died in 1437 at the age of 74 years.

  2. Generation 2 back to top
    1. 永宝公支下世系碑文

      永宝, son of 伯原 and 王氏四娘, was born on April 20, 1396 and was buried in 江西省九江市瑞昌县西上乡黄塘.

      He married 李氏. She was buried in 石蒲岭.

    2. 永寿, son of 伯原 and 王氏四娘.

      永寿 had 5 children.

    3. 永隆, son of 伯原 and 王氏四娘.

      Children of 永隆 and 柯永隆夫人:

      1. Private
      2. Private
      3. Private
      4. Private
      5. Private
      6. 兴义 (1445) - follow 3.11
    4. 永华, son of 伯原 and 王氏四娘.

      He married 冯氏.

      Children of 永华 and 冯氏:

      1. 兴济 (1408) - follow 3.12
      2. Private
      3. Private
      4. Private
      5. 兴茂 - follow 3.16
      6. Private
    5. 永琛, son of 伯原 and 王氏四娘.

      永琛 had 6 children.

    6. 永冧, son of 伯原 and 王氏四娘.

      永冧 had 6 children.

  3. Generation 3 back to top
    1. 兴名, son of 永宝 and 李氏.

      兴名 had 3 children.

    2. 兴贵, son of 永宝 and 李氏.

      兴贵 had 5 children.

    3. 兴堂, son of 永宝 and 李氏.

      兴堂 had 3 children.

    4. 兴常, son of 永宝 and 李氏, was born on November 12, 1436.

      He married 方氏.

      Children of 兴常 and 方氏:

      1. 本凱 (1452) - follow 4.1
      2. 本魁
      3. 本瑄
      4. 本谦
      5. 本勝
    5. 兴渊, son of 永宝 and 李氏.

      兴渊 had 1 child.

    6. The details of this family are private.
    7. The details of this family are private.
    8. The details of this family are private.
    9. The details of this family are private.
    10. The details of this family are private.
    11. The details of this family are private.
    12. The details of this family are private.
    13. The details of this family are private.
    14. The details of this family are private.
    15. The details of this family are private.
    16. 柯氏家谱记载永隆公第六子柯兴义支系

      兴义, son of 永隆 and 柯永隆夫人, was born on October 28, 1445.

      He married 3 times. The first time he married 周氏.

      The second time he married 吴氏.

      The third time he married 何氏.

      Children of 兴义 and 周氏:

      1. 本洪 (1469) - follow 4.2
      2. 本盛 (1478) - follow 4.3
      3. 本材 (1480) - follow 4.4

      Children of 兴义 and 吴氏:

      1. 本乾 (1485) - follow 4.5

      Children of 兴义 and 何氏:

      1. 本坤
    17. 兴济, son of 永华 and 冯氏, was born on August 4, 1408.

      He married 刘氏.

      Children of 兴济 and 刘氏:

      1. 本諌
      2. 本梭
      3. 本楼
    18. The details of this family are private.
    19. The details of this family are private.
    20. The details of this family are private.
    21. 兴茂, son of 永华 and 冯氏. He was buried in 双甽口.

      兴茂 had 3 children.

    22. The details of this family are private.
    23. The details of this family are private.
    24. The details of this family are private.
    25. The details of this family are private.
    26. The details of this family are private.
    27. The details of this family are private.
    28. The details of this family are private.
    29. The details of this family are private.
    30. The details of this family are private.
    31. The details of this family are private.
    32. The details of this family are private.
    33. The details of this family are private.

Ancestors of 王氏四娘

  1. Generation 1