Given names
Family with 广益
Marriage Marriage
Birth: 后坪
Death: 后坪
Birth: 后坪
Death: 后坪
Birth: 1845 后坪
Death: 1894后坪
Birth of a son
Note: 生于道光二十五年乙巳年
Death of a son
Note: 卒于光绪二十年甲午年
Birth of a son
Birth of a son
Birth of a son
Birth of a son
Birth of a son

Descendants of

  1. Generation 1
    1. She married 广益, son of 进礼 and ,. He was born in 后坪 and died in 后坪.

  2. Generation 2 back to top
    1. 大钊, son of 广益 and , was born in 后坪 and died in 后坪.

    2. 大槐, son of 广益 and , was born in 后坪 and died in 后坪.

      Children of 大槐:

      1. 洪宽 - follow 3.1
      2. 洪训 - follow 3.2
    3. 大溶, son of 广益 and , was born in 后坪 and died in 后坪.

    4. 云阳石棹子柯大炳墓碑照片1

      大炳, son of 广益 and , was born in 1845 in 后坪 and died in 1894 in 后坪 at the age of 49 years.

      He married .

      Children of 大炳 and :

      1. 洪俊 - follow 3.5
      2. 洪魁 - follow 3.6
      3. 洪举 - follow 3.7


    5. 大墀, son of 广益 and , was born in 后坪 and died in 后坪.

      Children of 大墀:

      1. 洪金 - follow 3.8
    6. 大忽, son of 广益 and , was born in 后坪 and died in 后坪.

      Children of 大忽:

      1. 洪林
  3. Generation 3 back to top
    1. 洪宽, son of 大槐 and Private, was born in 后坪 and died in 后坪.

    2. 洪训, son of 大槐 and Private, was born in 后坪 and died in 后坪.

    3. 洪达, son of 大溶 and Private, was born in 后坪 and died in 后坪.

    4. 洪元, son of 大溶 and Private, was born in 后坪 and died in 后坪.

      Children of 洪元:

      1. 昌提 - follow 4.1
    5. 洪俊, son of 大炳 and , was born in 后坪 and died in 后坪.

      Children of 洪俊:

      1. 昌值
      2. 昌寿
    6. 洪魁, son of 大炳 and , was born in 后坪 and died in 后坪.

      He married .

      Children of 洪魁 and :

      1. 昌前 - follow 4.2
      2. 昌坤 - follow 4.3
      3. 昌定 (19312004) - follow 4.4
    7. 洪举, son of 大炳 and , was born in 后坪 and died in 后坪.

    8. 洪金, son of 大墀 and Private, was born in 后坪 and died in 后坪.

Ancestors of

  1. Generation 1