
Family with 祥斐
Marriage Marriage
17 years
2 years
6 years
祥斐 + 黄氏
husband’s wife
Birth of a son
Note: 瑞矅公生于清朝康熙庚子年二月初三日卯时
Birth of a son
Note: 瑞勳公生于乾隆元年九月廿三日卯时
Birth of a son
Note: 瑞暐公生于乾隆己未年二月初一日寅时
Birth of a son
Note: 瑞晫公生于乾隆乙丑年四月廿四日子时

Descendants of 王氏

  1. Generation 1
    1. She married 祥斐, son of 家琳 and 徐氏,.

      Children of 王氏 and 祥斐:

      1. 瑞耀 (1720) - follow 2.1
      2. 瑞动 (1736) - follow 2.2
      3. 瑞暐 (1739) - follow 2.3
      4. 瑞晫 (1745) - follow 2.4
  2. Generation 2 back to top
    1. 瑞耀, son of 祥斐 and 王氏, was born on February 3, 1720.

      He married 5 times. The first time he married 陈氏.

      The second time he married 张氏.

      The third time he married 刘氏.

      The fourth time he married 汪氏.

      The fifth time he married 李氏.

      Children of 瑞耀 and 陈氏:

      1. 隆福

      Children of 瑞耀 and 张氏:

      1. 隆寿

      Children of 瑞耀 and 刘氏:

      1. 隆康

      Children of 瑞耀 and 汪氏:

      1. 隆宁
    2. 瑞动, son of 祥斐 and 王氏, was born on September 23, 1736.

      He married 3 times. The first time he married 彭氏.

      The second time he married 刘氏.

      The third time he married 杨氏.

      Children of 瑞动 and 彭氏:

      1. 隆占

      Children of 瑞动 and 刘氏:

      1. 隆发
    3. 瑞暐, son of 祥斐 and 王氏, was born on February 1, 1739.

      He married 2 times. The first time he married 朱氏.

      The second time he married 李氏.

      Children of 瑞暐 and 朱氏:

      1. 隆正
    4. 瑞晫, son of 祥斐 and 王氏, was born on March 24, 1745.

      He married 3 times. The first time he married 刘氏.

      The second time he married 伍氏.

      The third time he married 王氏.

      Children of 瑞晫 and 刘氏:

      1. 隆高

      Children of 瑞晫 and 伍氏:

      1. 隆美

Ancestors of 王氏

  1. Generation 1