启旺, 16121678 (aged 65 years)

Given names
Family with parents
Marriage Marriage
7 years
younger brother
Birth: February 4, 1620
Death: February 19, 1675
3 years
younger brother
Family with 胡氏
Marriage Marriage
21 years
Note: 启旺公生于万历四十年(崇祯)壬子年冬月初七午时。
Birth of a brother
February 4, 1620 (aged 7 years)
Note: 启兴公生于明朝万历四十八年(崇祯)庚申年(1620)二月初四。取张氏,生于明朝天启五年乙丑年七月初十卯时。
Birth of a brother
December 15, 1622子时 (aged 10 years)
Note: 启盛公生于朝天启二年崇祯壬戌年,清太祖天命七年(1622)腊月十五日子时。
Birth of a son
August 1, 1634子时 (aged 21 years)
Note: 家胤公生于明朝崇祯甲戌年即崇祯七年(1634)八月初一子时。
Birth of a son
December 4, 1646 (aged 34 years)
Note: 清朝顺治三年丙戌年(1646)腊月初四日子时。
Birth of a son
June 4, 1655子时 (aged 42 years)
Note: 家壁生于清朝顺治十二年乙未年(1655)六月初四日子时。
Birth of a grandson
April 28, 1658酉时 (aged 45 years)
Note: 祥荣公生于顺治戊戍年四月廿八日酉时
Death of a brother
February 19, 1675 (aged 62 years)
Note: 公殁康熙乙卯年二月十二日戌时。
Burial of a father
Note: 屋下手上艮舺向,妣葬于下手嘴丑山未向。
Death of a mother
January 8, 1678 (aged 65 years)
Note: 公殁于康熙17年戊午年(1678)正月初八日申时。
Note: 公葬于走马岭与母同坟寅山申向,妣葬于学屋背后子山午向。

Descendants of 启旺

  1. Generation 1
    1. 启旺, son of 宗元 and 张氏, was born on November 7, 1612 and died on January 8, 1678 at the age of 65 years.

      He married 胡氏.

      Children of 启旺 and 胡氏:

      1. 家胤 (1634) - follow 2.1
      2. 家壁 (1655) - follow 2.2
      3. 家瑚
      4. 家琏 (1646) - follow 2.3
      5. 家瑜 - follow 2.4
      6. 家琳 - follow 2.5
  2. Generation 2 back to top
    1. 家胤, son of 启旺 and 胡氏, was born on August 1, 1634.

      He married 2 times. The first time he married 姜氏.

      The second time he married 陈氏.

      Children of 家胤 and 陈氏:

      1. 祥发 - follow 3.1
      2. 祥荣 (1658) - follow 3.2
      3. 祥瑞 - follow 3.3
      4. 祥福 - follow 3.4
    2. 家壁, son of 启旺 and 胡氏, was born on June 4, 1655.

      He married 3 times. The first time he married 郑氏.

      The second time he married 吴氏.

      The third time he married 徐氏.

      Children of 家壁 and 徐氏:

      1. 祥麟
      2. 祥序
      3. 祥永
      4. 祥兴
    3. 家琏, son of 启旺 and 胡氏, was born on December 4, 1646.

      He married 陈氏.

      Children of 家琏 and 陈氏:

      1. 祥庆 - follow 3.5
      2. 祥亨 (16861747) - follow 3.6
    4. 家瑜, son of 启旺 and 胡氏.

      家瑜 had 5 children.

    5. 家琳, son of 启旺 and 胡氏.

      He married 徐氏.

      Children of 家琳 and 徐氏:

      1. 祥斌 (1681) - follow 3.7
      2. 祥瑞 (1688) - follow 3.8
      3. 祥斐 - follow 3.9
  3. Generation 3 back to top
    1. 祥发, son of 家胤 and 陈氏. He was buried in 桐子抝.

    2. 祥荣, son of 家胤 and 陈氏, was born on April 28, 1658.

      He married 许氏. She was born on January 13, 1662.

      Children of 祥荣 and 许氏:

      1. 瑞龙
      2. 瑞麒
      3. 瑞麟
    3. 祥瑞, son of 家胤 and 陈氏. He was buried in 王家屋.

      He married 吴氏.

      Children of 祥瑞 and 吴氏:

      1. 瑞乾 (1689) - follow 4.1
      2. 瑞元
      3. 瑞亨 - follow 4.2
      4. 瑞利 - follow 4.3
      5. 瑞贞
    4. 祥福, son of 家胤 and 陈氏.

    5. 祥庆, son of 家琏 and 陈氏.

      祥庆 had 1 child.

    6. 祥亨, son of 家琏 and 陈氏, was born on March 1, 1686 and died on February 13, 1747 at the age of 60 years.

      He married 王氏. She was born on January 24, 1670.

      Children of 祥亨 and 王氏:

      1. 瑞滋
      2. 瑞润 - follow 4.4
    7. The details of this family are private.
    8. The details of this family are private.
    9. The details of this family are private.
    10. The details of this family are private.
    11. The details of this family are private.
    12. 祥斌, son of 家琳 and 徐氏, was born on August 19, 1681.

      He married 2 times. The first time he married 陈氏. She was born on April 10, 1715.

      The second time he married 胡氏. She was born on August 4, 1692.

      Children of 祥斌 and 胡氏:

      1. 瑞龙 - follow 4.5
      2. 瑞昱 - follow 4.6
      3. 瑞晟
      4. 瑞昌 - follow 4.7
    13. 祥瑞, son of 家琳 and 徐氏, was born on October 3, 1688.

      He married 2 times. The first time he married 贾氏. She was born on July 9, 1688.

      The second time he married 朱氏. She was born on August 1, 1694.

    14. 祥斐, son of 家琳 and 徐氏.

      He married 王氏.

      Children of 祥斐 and 王氏:

      1. 瑞耀 (1720) - follow 4.10
      2. 瑞动 (1736) - follow 4.11
      3. 瑞暐 (1739) - follow 4.12
      4. 瑞晫 (1745) - follow 4.13

Ancestors of 启旺

  1. Generation 1
    1. 启旺, son of 宗元 and 张氏, was born on November 7, 1612 and died on January 8, 1678 at the age of 65 years.

  2. Generation 2 back to top
    1. 宗元, son of 正赵 and 翟氏七姐.

  3. Generation 3 back to top
    1. 正赵, son of and 朱氏, was born on June 26, 1554 and was buried in 冯由庄.