
Note: 一说是屈氏十一娘,寺下张贵禄女。生于明朝洪武癸酉年四月初一申时。
Birth of a son
Note: 兴常公生于明朝正统元年(1436年)丙辰年酉时(出生年份准确性需进一步考证,存疑),取方氏本里方尚元之女。
Birth of a grandson
Note: 公生于明朝景泰三年壬申年(1452年)
Note: 葬于石蒲岭寅山申向

Descendants of 李氏

  1. Generation 1
    1. 李氏. She was buried in 石蒲岭.

      She married 永宝, son of 伯原 and 王氏四娘,. He was born on April 20, 1396 and was buried in 江西省九江市瑞昌县西上乡黄塘.

  2. Generation 2 back to top
    1. 兴名, son of 永宝 and 李氏.

      兴名 had 3 children.

    2. 兴贵, son of 永宝 and 李氏.

      兴贵 had 5 children.

    3. 兴堂, son of 永宝 and 李氏.

      兴堂 had 3 children.

    4. 兴常, son of 永宝 and 李氏, was born on November 12, 1436.

      He married 方氏.

      Children of 兴常 and 方氏:

      1. 本凱 (1452) - follow 3.1
      2. 本魁
      3. 本瑄
      4. 本谦
      5. 本勝
    5. 兴渊, son of 永宝 and 李氏.

      兴渊 had 1 child.

  3. Generation 3 back to top
    1. The details of this family are private.
    2. 本凱, son of 兴常 and 方氏, was born on July 12, 1452 and was buried in 大塘坑, 江西, China.

      He married 陈氏. She was born in 肇陈.

      Children of 本凱 and 陈氏:

      1. 日明
      2. 日晓
      3. 日映
      4. 日晞 - follow 4.1
    3. The details of this family are private.

Ancestors of 李氏

  1. Generation 1
    1. 李氏. She was buried in 石蒲岭.